Friday, February 15, 2008

NO Illinois

This site is going to normally be based towards sports and sports only, but I was talking to my dad and realized that we should say something about what happened yesterday at Northern Illinois University. Everyones hearts and prayers go out to the No illinois community and to the families who lost loved ones to this fucking psycho. Its another case of crazy kid losing his mind and doing something stupid. Sad and disheartening how 1 fuck up can change the lives of so many... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that is the lesson here.
Kazmierczak (the Illinois shooter) was not a screw up. He was, from all that we now know, a good kid, well liked and a good student who fell off the face of the earth and took 5 innocents with him. The lesson is that it isn't just screw ups (or obviously disturbed kids) like Cho (the Virginia Tech shooter) who can be a threat. That makes the resulting questions that much harder to answer. How did this happen? How can it be stopped?